improve your photography in cambodia markets

Markets in South-East Asia and in Cambodia in particular are one of my favorite places to take pictures for many reasons which I will detail below. Every city or village in Cambodia have one or more markets. They can be indoors under  metallic rooftops or in a concrete building or outdoors  along a road side. Market stalls are often organized by categories (jewelry, clothes, fish, vegetables, meat, desserts, hairdressers, etc…).

It is also possible to find  specialized markets like the  fermented fish (prahok) market of Battambang (also called cheese market because of its strong smell) and the crab market in Kep.


prahok market battambang

Worker at the prahok market of Battambang (Phsar Prahok)




Architecture photography will not come to mind when talking about market in South-East Asia. However in Cambodia, few markets are also known for their architecture: the central market of Phnom Penh (Phsar Thmey), the central market of Battambang (Phsar Nath) to name as few which were built in the 1930’s following an  Art Deco style.



psa nat battambang

Interior of Battambang market (Psa Nat), Art Deco style


Architecture is one thing but what is inside of course is more interesting. One thing Asian local markets are sharing is their energy especially during morning  peak hours. Photographers are  always looking for the best light and  in an indoor market in early morning when the sun is barely  above  the horizon, this quest could prove to be quite  challenging. The light can be  diffused softly through the  ceiling or coming directly  through some small holes in the metallic structure making impressive beams of light added some atmosphere to the pictures. These lighting conditions make market photography challenging and hence the best place to learn or improve your photography.





Markets in Cambodia are also a good opportunity to catch some short lived  moments: monk asking for alms, locals sellers interacting with customers. Mothers also often bring their kids at the market and always happy to strike a pose

monk alms local market cambodia

local market cambodia photography


fish seller cambodia market

cook in local market cambodia


The space you will have  to take pictures can be limited because indoor  markets have generally narrow lanes and some area are congested. Be aware of the traffic from  motorbikes as they are allowed to cross the market.


happy kid cambodia market siem reap

siem reap kids playing cambodia market


baby in banana market cambodia


daughter and mother at hairdresser market siem reap




jewellery workshop cambodia



local barista sime reap

Barista in local market



Approaching people and get the perfect portrait is a challenge by itself and it gets easier to do that with a photography guide  who has established some relationships with local sellers. Cambodian people are very friendly and are open to be photographed but it is always better to ask first. Cambodia is changing rapidly but in local markets you can still find elderly women wearing a traditional piece of cloth called kroma folded around their heads.


old Cambodia at the market portrait wearing kroma

old Cambodia at the market portrait wearing kroma


old cambodian woman krama

old Cambodia at the market portrait wearing kroma

elderly betel vendors at market siem reap cambodia

portrait barista market cambodia


cook in local market siem reap




Food photography is not to be missed and food stalls, especially vegetable ones can  be particularly colorful. You can even capture abstract patterns there if you looking carefully as these water lily stems below.


vegetable market siem reap



siem reap vegetable market background

water lily fstems background market cambodia



If you are interested to capture similar pictures and improve your photography skills, please have a look at my two guided  photography tours in Siem Reap here and here. Our multi-day tour in Battambang province will provided you also with many photography opportunities out of the beaten path.

Laurent Dambies
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